John Rogers Groups in Mediums Other than Plaster
Here, we show left to right, Union Refugees in spelter (definitely a legitimate Rogers), Wounded to the Rear in bronze (thought to be a legitimate Rogers), and a known to be late Twentieth Century "knock off" of Fighting Bob in bronze.[1][2]
Here we show three early parian "knock offs" after groups by John Rogers: Camplife..., Checker Players, and the familiar Wounded to the Rear... Other early parian "knock offs" after Rogers are: Courtship in Sleepy Hollow, Taking the Oath..., Union Refugees, Wounded Scout, and The Fisher Girl (an original Rogers).
Two diminutive (standing about eight inches tall) Reed and Barton parian-like examples of John Rogers Groups shown here are: Neighboring Pews and Weighing the Baby which stand ~ eight inches tall. Other Reed and Bartons are: Checkers Up at the Farm, Coming to the Parson, The Favored Scholar, and School Days.
Examples of three other diminutive parian-like examples (size wise about the same as the Reed and Bartons) we show here are: The Bath, Chess, and School Days. Other possible groups of this type are: The Traveling Magician, Checkers Up at the Farm. Note that some of these renditions are tinted and lack a figure in the group's example. The origin of these curiosities is unclear but we have reason to believe that the examples of most of these groups were produced in Japan with the intention of marketing them in the New York Historical Society's gift shop. Whether or not that intention was ever realized is unclear.
[1] Caveat: the history of metal medium examples Rogers' groups is a bit murky. Therefore, what we provide here is admittedly provisional but which we will refine pending further research, such as; the identification of examples of other groups in bronze that can be attributed directly to Rogers and the foundry or foundries that made them.
[2] Do not confuse early bronze examples with the "bronze masters" Rogers had cast and from which he produced his casting molds.